
profilo Nunzio Barrera was born in 1948 in Pozzallo, a small seaside town south of Siracusa, Sicily, and where he still lives and works. After receiving his diploma for industrial design, he attended the Istituto Statale d’ Arte in Siracusa.
He has participated in many individual and collective exhibits in Italy and abroad, and national and international competitions since 1975.
Some of his works can be found in public and private collections and are exhibited in the most important Italian and foreign galleries.
He has been a member of the International Academy of Modern Art in Rome since 1991.



His paintings have received many awards, some of which are:

1978 – Classified 4th at the first International Award “Amici di Quasimodo”, Modica (RG)
1979 – 1st Prize National Meeting of Poetry, Narrative and Paintings “Insieme nella valle”, Agrigento
1980 – Trophy for Painters, 1st International Convention of Painters, Firenze
1982 – 3rd Prize at the Prima Biennale Internazionale di Grafica, Pittura e Poesia, Siracusa
1984 – Commemorative Award by the Italian Defense Ministry at the Premio di Pittura, Poesia e Grafica, Milano
1985 – 2nd Prize, Sez. WWF, Premio città di Empoli, Firenze
1987 – Honorary Medal, Premio Internazionale di pittura, Altopascio
2009 – Finalist at the New York International Award for Painting
2010 – Finalist at the Tokyo International Award for Painting

Principal exhibits:

1978 – Circolo d’Arte “Il Portico”, Pachino, Siracusa
1979 – Galleria “Les Sables D’Or”, Sampieri, Ragusa
1981 – Palazzo della Provincia, Ragusa
1981 – Bottega d’Arte “Sangria”, Pozzallo, Ragusa
1982 – Palazzo del Senato, Siracusa
1984 – Castel di Judica, Catania
1984 – Galleria “Le Firme” Milano
1984 – Galleria “Garrone” Milano
1989 – Scuola Media “G. Rogasi,” Pozzallo, Ragusa
1989 – Palazzo De Leva, Modica
1989 – Palazzo di Città “G. La Pira”, Pozzallo, Ragusa
1991 – Accademia di Romania, Roma
1992 – Centro Culturale Polivalente, Ispica, Ragusa
1998 – Palazzo della Provincia, Ragusa
1999 – Palazzo di Città “G. La Pira”, Pozzallo, Ragusa
2004 – Pinacoteca Comunale, Pozzallo, Ragusa
2005 – Palazzo della Cultura, Modica, Ragusa
2010 – Galleria d’Arte “Città Amica”, Torino
2011 – Galleria d’Arte “AmArt Louise”, Bruxelles
2012 – Open One Gallery of Art, Ridgewood, New Jersey
2012 – Villa Serra, Sant’Olcese, Genova
2012 – Spazio cultura “Meno Assenza”
2014 – Galerie Thuillier, Parigi
2014 – Galleria “Zelenograd”, Mosca
2015 – The Crypt Gallery St. Pancras, London
2015 – Sale del Bramante, Roma
2015 – Leopard Gallery, Bologna